Formerly stood a wooden mill. At the start of the First World War in August 1914, the Germans set him on fire. The wooden windmill stood first in Heist-op-den-Berg and was there known as the Platte Bosmolen. He dated from 1843 and moved in 1882 to 1883.The present brick was built around 1920. The roof and wings, from the Everberg mill, were placed around 1925 on the hull. After World War II he was still in use, but the beginning of 1950, uses electricity as driving force.
After producing his last sacks of flour in 1954, the site was converted in the HORECA sector projects in different strengths: dancing, brothel and finally bowling.
The name of the bowling comes simply because he is set at the foot of a mill. The building is a historical monument since 1994.
It seems that the mechanics of the mill still works perfectly!
Restoration seems to be spoken since 2005, but the building is totally forgotten.
Exploration : November 2013 Status : badly deteriorated and difficult access. Future : The site is for sale, but no trace of restoration.